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How to Promote Your Business on LinkedIn For Free

The first thing that strikes us when we hear or read – promote your business on LinkedIn, is why do we need to promote the same on LinkedIn? We need to do so because LinkedIn is one of the platforms that rank high when the talk is about professional social networking sites. LinkedIn has 756 million members from more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. That will let you create brand awareness, strategic partnerships around the globe, and generate new leads. Since millions of professionals hang out on LinkedIn, there are great chances your business hits new business deals, attracts new prospects, and converts them into customers. 

However, if you think you want to do all this, but do not want to invest in the same, worry not. Here are eight ways through which you can easily reach a new set of audiences and create your business’s personality with a few practices and routines. That will help you take your business to a higher and celebrating position without having to spend a penny. Read how you can promote your business on LinkedIn and enter the door of LinkedIn Marketing by just adopting a few new ways. 

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Why LinkedIn Promote Your Business Online?

Linked is a core part of each individual/professional & Business development. Almost every business (no matter what category you are in) needs a platform to promote their business to the world. LinkedIn is an effective, powerful, and simple tool that you can use to promote your business online for free.

LinkedIn has more than 740 million users in more than 200 countries and regions around the world. Here is the graph-

LinkedIn is a great platform for promoting Business online at zero costs. in a study, found it is the best source for discovering business leads.
Hubspot found that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter.

HubSpot Study: LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads

I mean wow! We have the best social network to lead generation for free, so why not start promoting your business today. 

Ways To Promote Your Business On LinkedIn

The ultimate goal and mission of a business are to extend its reach and grab the attention of new prospects. Since LinkedIn is a job search, recruiting, and professional networking site – making your presence intact here will definitely expand your organizations’ influence and reach. Which might crop up with some amazing deals. 

It’s great to create logical reading-worthy write-ups and engage with people through likes, comments, and wishes. But apart from just edgy comments and not so often posts, there are other ways you should be practicing to promote your business on LinkedIn. Let’s see ways to promote business, work on the same, and enjoy the perks generating from the same. 

Create Effective LinkedIn Page For The Organization  

This page is officially the profile or LinkedIn of your organization. Let this page have information only about the organization. But, do not treat this page solely as an About Us page of the organization. Instead, use this page as a dynamic marketing tool. To which users choosing your destined page filled with information will have an impression of your thought leadership, brand awareness and will lead them to take the action. 

An organization’s page having stories to tell, the latest updates, ample opportunities for potential customers will be an easy win of leads for your organization. Thus, make the company page for your organization on LinkedIn and work on tips written below to expand the reach of your organization’s page. 

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Keep Updating Your Profile 

Everyone wants updated things right? Well, people want to do real business with the people or the organization who are updated too. So, regular updates on your profile make a better impression. 

  • If your organization has reached 100 employees, update that. 
  • If you have hired new professionals for your new products, add that to the profile. 
  • Update about the progress you have seen in the last week. 
  • Go close to 100% completion of the profile. 
  • Introduce yourself, add a few pictures, videos that define your personality to make your profile authentic on LinkedIn. 

Get Active & Become A Part Of Your Connections 

To become a part of your connections and to make your connections remember your company name with a good impression, you need to get active.

Now, getting active with the company page on LinkedIn will not mean you will keep posting about the services you have. The Post related to sales, deals, and Ads, basically “Sales” are not liked by users. So, to do the smart LinkedIn Marketing we need to do something different. 

To get the attention of the users, you being active on LinkedIn have to do the following things:

  • Since all users are professionals and specialists, they all need something new and fresh. They do not need things that are a part of daily forwards. So, when you post something, make sure the post possesses a quality idea – which will automatically string the user’s attention. 
  • You can be strategically posting insightful content that appeals to your users. 
  • Make the regular content short and crisp – Not more than 150 words. 
  • Keep the heading small and informative. 
  • Let every post have a visual treat, be it videos, pictures, slides, or any attachment. 
  • Let the post be data-driven (If required).
  • Keep posting, but appreciate the posts made by others as well. 

Use The Showcase Pages 

There are different types of customers who are interested only in a particular chunk of your business service, which is fine. So, to not overload their feed, you can create Showcase Pages for different segments to let them have precisely what they need. 

For example, your SEO service LinkedIn Page will have a completely different outlook from your company page.

These pages line up the content – segment-wise to let your users get what they want without any hustle. 

Do The Best Use Of Analytics To Get More Engagements 

When you post on LinkedIn, there is sturdy analytics built-in. You get to see the audience demographics of which post performs best and has the most engagements. So, you can use these analytics and data to select your upcoming post topics to drive more engagement. 

Let Page Rank On The Top By Optimizing The Same 

See how can you optimize your page:

  • Jot down a compelling About Us. Make sure you make every character count in your About Us. 
  • Add keywords in your about us that your prospects might use to search for services you provide. Be very clear about who you are and the services you offer. 
  • A link to your LinkedIn page from the website can boost the search ranking. 
  • Sharing content relevant to your industry with relative keywords is an essence to optimize your page – to let your page rank on the top. The content posts also help you promote your business on LinkedIn without having to spend a penny. 

Read More: Get Traffic to Your Business Website | Ultimate Guide 

LinkedIn Pulse & Updates

With posts on the LinkedIn Pulse, you can manage to establish the thought leadership of the organization. Posts and updates on the LinkedIn pulse are more like off-the-sight heroes of this social networking site. The well-written killer posts that narrate information in an attractive story form will sew the engagement to the post. It really works! Or we can say posts are one of the pavements through which we communicate with our connections and share our thoughts. So, long posts are really necessary. 

To post on LinkedIn keep these things in mind:

  • Do give your viewer’s visual craving a treat of well-designed images. The images can be a collage of a few pictures or it can be one custom picture. (Visuals always grab the attention six times more than content)
  • You can add videos of 1-2 minutes that represent a story for your connections. Add subtitles to the video and an incredible starting to keep the viewer watching the same till the end. The technique works best in LinkedIn Marketing and in boosting engagement. 
  • On LinkedIn, How-to, to the point, and informative content works well.

Keep The Discussion Going 

When you have to be active and develop a community for your organization, you should be super active on your LinkedIn. If not super working, Gag! You must work on the same at least twice a day. You got to follow the 4-1-1 rule that will spine your efforts of building a giant community. 

The 4-1-1 rule says that four posts should be user-centric, which should be educating or informative, out of every six posts you update on your social networking site. One should be soft selling, and the other one should be hard selling. 

Along with adopting this rule, you need to keep interacting with users by commenting and replying to the reactions sent by your users to let the discussion go on. 

You can also comment on the relative posts made by others referring to your post neutrally. Doing so opens up doors to the new audience towards your updates. 


Since LinkedIn Marketing does not require mandatory investment, it needs your time, consistency, efforts, and a fresh set of creative ideas. These techniques, your investment of fresh ideas, and time will surely pay you back as the paid Ads would, but eventually with time. So, build up your strategy and action plan, choose the right tools, and measure the growth with time, following these techniques. 

Keep your pace right and your strategy in sync with the latest updates, and you will see, the ways you have used to promote your business on LinkedIn for free will pay you off, and it will gradually start to fetch results. 

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