
Types of Content Marketing to Grow and Expand Your Brand

Are you looking for ways to generate better leads and more sales in your business? Well, you should make content marketing part of your broader marketing goals. The secret is to choose a strategy that aligns with your brand’s voice. If you rely on only one type of content marketing, you could be missing an opportunity to take your business to the next level. The truth is; people consume content differently, so you should create multiple touchpoints for your brand. This post will discuss the types of content marketing you can use to expand and grow your business.

Blog posts

Blogging is the simplest way to build an online presence and drive sales to your business. It’s a low-cost strategy to boost organic traffic to get the results you desire. First, you should create a blog that educates the reader on your offer. What is the most critical topic for your audience? You can create short articles, listicles, checklists, how-to guides, etc.

To ensure your blogs generate traffic, you should use targeted keywords, write for humans, and link to high-authority sites.

Use Videos in Content Marketing

Some people prefer to read; others like to watch. If you want customers to learn about your products or service, you can post how-to-videos on your website. After all, videos convert better than written content. Another creative way is to turn your articles into compelling videos. If you’re in traveling, cooking, or sports niche, videos are integral.


If your ideas are too complex to explain through written content, you can use Infographics to present the information in a digestible manner. This is a surefire way to increase online sales and build brand awareness. To make your Infographics easier to follow, you can use headers and icons. Another strategy to engage your audience is telling your brand story through numerical data. If raw data is involved, Infographics can boost the reputation of your business.

Case studies

If you want a data-driven approach to connect with your audience, you should use case studies. Think about it – every time you introduce a new product, ask others whether they have used it.

Case studies use qualitative and quantitative data to paint a picture of how your products or services look to a bigger audience. If you want to make the most out of this content marketing strategy, you should:

  • Use case studies as a sales asset
  • Post your case studies on the landing page of your website
  • Use slide-in CTA
  • Create videos from case studies
  • Write blog posts about your case studies
  • Share case studies on social media
  • Include case studies in your email marketing campaign


If you want to give your customers valuable information about your brand, you should include eBooks in your content marketing strategy. They are better packaged and downloadable. But how do you grow your business with an eBook? Some of the strategies you can employ include:

  • Writing about it in a detailed article
  • Use live videos to introduce your eBooks
  • Feature your Ebooks in an email newsletter
  • Explaining the book on social media

However, the benefits of eBooks don’t end there. You can use the content to establish yourself as an expert, generate leads, and build connections with the target audience.

Social media

Social media is here to stay. It’s one of the best strategies to grow your brand and reach new customers. Plus, you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars to use it effectively. First, you should identify the platform that best suits your business. If you want to explore new marketing avenues, you can showcase your work on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You can also link your website to industry followers.

Secondly, you should research the platforms your competitors use. You can emulate their work and decide what to include in your marketing strategy. After that, you should develop a calendar for posting. If a specific channel is less effective, you can try another one.

Finally, stay up-to-date with current trends by reading magazines, books, publications, etc.

Testimonials and reviews

If you want your new customers to associate with your brand, they need to hear the voice of others. Customer reviews and testimonials highlight the experiences of others to influence a purchasing decision. When you post customer reviews on your website, you create an emotional connection.

Wrap up

Content marketing is an effective way to engage new customers and grow existing ones. First, you should execute a robust marketing plan and hire the best writers for your content. Don’t be afraid of the initial numbers, your hard work will pay off in the long run.

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