
How To Choose A Company That’s Good for Your Wellness?

Health Wellness Company

How To Choose A Company That’s Good for Your Wellness? According to a survey by a European recruitment Company, one-third of all employees would consider leaving a new job within a year if they feel they would be happier elsewhere. That certainly wouldn’t have been the case 20 years ago, Employees don’t feel the same loyalty to their employers, and the stigma attached to job-hopping has gone. this is why I am presenting an article, choose a company That’s Good for Your Wellness?

A changing mind-set

At a time when the ‘job for life’ has become a distant memory, millennia decide much quicker than early generations if a job or a company isn’t the right fit for them. This new generation is more focused on their skill set and taking on assignments that allow them to upskill, grow their expertise, and sell those skills to other organizations, there is a much higher level of motivation among these workers to freelance or become contractors, particularly in sectors their where skills are in high demand.

Choose Company That’s Good for Your Wellness- To try to stem the loss of this talent some organizations are offering more training and development opportunities, as well as embracing life/word issues. For example, with so many businesses now being online and operating round-the-clock, the nine-to-five has become a big turn off for workers. Would-be employees are looking for more flexibility. They understand that instead of wasting time stuck in traffic during rush hour; their time would be better spent working at home. Not only is it better for productivity, but it’s also better for the employee’s own wellbeing, Many HR experts highlight the fact that good employees are more likely to stay longer with a company if that organization shows a genuine interest in their wellbeing.

Wellbeing survey 2016

And statistics say the same. The Work and Wellbeing survey 2016 by the American Psychological Association (APA) revealed that only 25% of employees intended to leave their job in organizations that supported employee wellbeing, compared to 51% in companies where they felt unsupported.

Additionally, 89% of employees would recommend their workplace to others if it had a wellbeing program, as opposed to just 17% in companies without such initiative. David Ballard, director of APA’s Center for Organizational Excellence says. “Promoting employee wellbeing is not a singular activity, but is rather set up in a climate that cultivates. Embrace and support by high-level managers. When a supervisor’s actions match their works, employees notice.”

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A Holistic approach to employee wellbeing

Further evidence comes from a survey of 1,000 employees in Ireland. It found that 69% of workers are more likely to stay with employers. Who show an interest in their health and wellbeing. On the other hand, half would consider leaving employers that appeared to show little or no interest. Life and wellbeing strategist, Dr. Mark Rowe, based in Waterford, Ireland. Says that there’s a big opportunity for employers actively looking to hire and keep the best talent. “Apart from the really progressive companies, most see them as ‘nice-to-have’ rather than ‘much-have’ priority.

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They are the last thing added to budgets and the first thing to be taken off when times get tough.” He gives examples of Hewlett Packard, Sun Life Financial, and LinkedIn, three organizations that have all seen the benefits of rolling out a good wellness program. As a result in a time of skills shortages in certain niches. They have been able to attract and retain the best candidates.

Good for Your Wellness? For companies that run wellness programs, there is a tendency to focus on physical wellness. But Rowe believes companies should adopt a more holistic approach. Research by the OC Tanner Institute has found that by addressing the four pillars of emotional, physical, spiritual. And psychological wellness, Organizations can secure a 20% increase in individual productivity. What’s more, job satisfaction can double as a result of these holistic wellness programs.

Want a happier work life? There’s never been a better time to find it

It all points to the message that, if you’re looking for a better work/ life balance in Company. And a more enjoyable work environment, next time you’re job-hunting. It might pay to start by researching those firms that already have wellness programs and sensible work/life policies in place. The more candidates and employees request these, the more companies are likely to respond.

Likewise, if you’re a recruiter, you’re more likely to secure the best candidates. And get more from your current employees if you can embrace these practices in the workplace. After all, don’t you want to be happy at work too? prepare yourself to get fit into a good job.

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