
Google Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide

Lesson #1: Introduction to Search Engine Marketing & PPC

In this lesson, I am going to cover the fundamentals of search engine marketing and PPC marketing. And these fundamental is relay important to learn the Google Ads and master in Google Ads. 

Evolution of Search Engine Marketing

  • The search engine is an evolution of yellow pages ( before the search engine even exit, people use yellow pages to find information
  • Yahoo was the first version of the search engine and it was a business directory online with the search feature. 
  • People look for products and services – which they know that exits. 
  • Business listing connects consumers and businesses with efficiency. 

Inbound inquiries Vs. interruption

  • People do not search for services or products that they do not need or don’t know they need yet. 
  • For example, tablet computers were launched around 2010. Before that, there were no search queries related to tablet computers on the search engine. 
  • In such a case, awareness has to be spread. This can be done by brand-building activities such as advertising and marketing the product. use social media as a marketing tool to grow brands. 

Why is Search Marketing Efficient?: 

  • You are reaching customers who are looking for you. and you only target the people who looking for your services. 
  • Conversion is higher because the customer is in the buying stage of the funnel (not in the awareness or consideration stage) 
  • You pay only when someone is clicking on your ad, not for impression ( CPC cost).  This means that you are paying Manullally to reach the customer who is interested in your products/ services. which is the most beautiful part of google ads.

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Problem with interruptive ads

  • People pay attention to the content they like ( news, entertainment, information ) 
  • Radio, newspapers, magazines, and TV provide the above content. ( magazines are better, to target by content ) 
  • Ads interrupt this content to borrow viewers attention from the content 
  • Biggest problems: it is not targeted  and reaches a lot of people who may not be interested ( solved by facebooks ads) 

Read more:- What is Content Marketing? Importance& Types (2020)

Target and Buyer intent

  • Facebook allows better targeting options because Facebook knows who people are. It gets the most of the detail of the users as google+ do. Facebook has more than 2.5 Billion users on the internet. and as we know Facebook collects the data of the User such as the user is male or female, in which category the user belongs, Facebook collects the location information also. 
  • Search engine helps us target the right people because though they do not know who they are, the buyer intent is clear because of search keyword ( google + was launched for that ). 

Where to do Search Marketing?

  • Google has dominated the search engine market, maintaining a 94% market share as of July 2020. and Google receives around 3.5 billion searches per day globally.
  • bing and yahoo come after google. concepts are similar just for china. 
  • Google Ads tool is the most used tool by the marketer to get leads and generate revenue for their Business.

Read more:) What is Online Marketing? Importance & Types

How does PPC marketing work? 

  • Price is fixed by demand-supply. 
  • if a keyword has no competition driving traffic for that keyword it becomes cheaper. ( in this case, search volume doesn’t matter)  
  • Some keywords have heavy competition. the highest bidder shows their ad at the top of Google. gets the highest amount of traffic available. 
  • Most of the Google revenue comes from PPC ads. That’s why they have built a google Ads platform. 

How to measure the quality score of your ads 

  • Google wants to keep the user experience as a priority. 
  • If your landing page is poor and is leading, google penalizes you by lowering your ad, even if your bidding is higher than your competitor. 

How to win the PPC game on Google Ads?

  • It’s not about getting the cheap click, it’s about getting maximum ROI from the clicks( people usually complain about the Ads’ cost ). 
  • Conversion: high ad rank, CTR, high converting landing pages, proper marketing & sales funnel. 
  • Quality products/services build a brand and become the category header. advertising needs to stop at some point.

Lesson #2: Introduction to Google Ads

History of Google Ads 

  • Launched in the year 2000 with 35 advertiser 
  • Will complete 20 years by the date of October 2020 
  • Has 1 m + advertiser on it! right now 
  • Google makes $50 B+ per year on Ads revenue alone. 
  • Clients from 218 countries 

Types of Ads campaign; Google Ads

  • Search network with display select 
  • Search network only ( including google partner ) 
  • Display network only ( ads will only show on-site which is approved by the Google AdSense
  • Shopping ads 
  • Videos ads 

How to set up a Google Ads account 

  1. Go to google and simply type Google Ads and click the first result in the search engine  
  2. Simple scroll the window and click on the Get started 
  3. Sign up with a Gmail account and the new window will open to you 
  4. This is the home interface of google Ads.  as you can see in the below picture 

Overview of Ads interface :

This is the home page of Google Ads as you can see in the picture. And this is how it looks like as soon as you log in to your AdWord account.

Create a new Campaign and choose your goal

The first step is to create a new campaign and choose your goal. This goal will help you determine the best campaign type to reach your intended audience.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Campaigns.
  3. Click the plus button, then select New campaign. 
  4. Select the goals for your campaign(Select the goal that would make this campaign successful for you). If none of the goals fit what you’re looking for, select Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.
  5. Select a campaign type (Your campaign type determines the places online where customers will see your ads).

Types of Goal & Campaign


Drive sales online, in-app, by phone or in-store


Search • Display • Shopping • Video • Smart • Discovery

Read more:- What is Online Marketing? Importance & Types


Get leads and other conversions by encouraging customers to take action


Search • Display • Shopping • Video • Smart • Discovery

Website traffic

Get the right people to visit your website


Search • Display • Shopping • Video • Discovery

Product and brand consideration

Encourage people to explore your products or services


Display • Video

Brand awareness and reach

Reach a broad audience and build awareness


Display • Video

App promotion

Get more installs and interactions for your app



  1. If you selected a goal, you’ll see the options for the best campaign types to achieve it.

What are the Types of the Campaign ( Google Ads)

Search ad Campaign

Drive more traffic to your site with text or call ads that show near search results of, on Google search partners sites and

Display ad Campaign

Drive new customers to your website and build your site visitor list with ads that show across the web, and optimize your campaign’s performance with automated bidding, targeting, and ad creation

Shopping ad Campaign

Get clicks to your website from people who are likely to make a purchase

Video ad Campaign

Video Bring interested people to your site and get more conversions with a compelling call to action and other features that encourage people to take action after your video plays

Discovery ad Campaign

Get clicks to your website from customers most likely to purchase with visually rich personalized ads that show across YouTube, Gmail, Discover, and more

How to create an Ad group 

You’ll be taken to a new page to select your settings, set up ad groups, and create your ads. Follow the guides below to complete these steps based on your campaign type:

  1. Choose the name of your campaign

2. Choose the location of your campaign ( Select locations to target)

3. Choose the language of your campaign (Select the languages your customers speak)

4.  Choose What do you want to focus on? And How do you want to get conversions? For your bidding strategy 

5. Choose the Budget for your campaign to run (Enter the average you want to spend each day)

6. Choose the ad group name For more accurate targeting people and choose the targeting opinion and bid for your specific ad group.

7. If your campaign type has subtypes, choose one. (Bear in mind that this selection can’t be changed later)

8. And finally, create your ads for your campaign & either you can design your own or your uploads your premade design campaign. Give some attractive title and heading & subheading. you can design your ad in these formats. when it’s done simply click on the continue button. 

9. Click Continue, and the separate Adgroup will be created for you-

Lesson #3: Keyword Research & Tools 

What is keyword research? 

  • The keyword that people are searching on the search engine to find what they are looking for. 
  • The keyword indicates the demand for something. ( example: if someone asks for a specific product in a shop) 
  • The keyword research process includes finding out what people are actually searching for on the search engine. There are many paid/ free tools are available to do that. 

Understanding of the short tail keyword and long-tail keyword 

basically, the one-word keyword is called short-tail keyword and keyword which is more than 3 or like a sentence are called a long-tail keyword.

Top keyword research Tools for Google Ads

  • Google Ads; google keyword planner 
  • Moz keyword explorer
  • Google search 
  • Google trend 

What are the benefits of Keyword research?  

  • You know what people are looking for – new product ideas can be built from a new keyword.
  • It gives you a new opportunity to create more pages of content on your site to get more SEO traffic on your blog. 
  • Keyword research gives your direction to where you should work on. Help to get more leads and sales. 
  • Let’s take an example to understand;  if people are searching for “digital marketing in Mumbai’. And it leads to an article on your blog. Lead to subscriber and sales. 

Read more- Best free keyword Research Tools powered by Google: 2020

Types of Ads keyword: Google Ads

      1. Broad match keyword 

  • Broad match is the normal and default type of keyword that you give for your campaign 
  • Google takes close variants of these keywords and synonyms of it.
  • Less control over when your ad shows up but gives you more clicks and data for refinement. It’s ok to start camping with a board match. 

Example of Broad match keyword

  • It doesn’t matter that keywords are short tail or long tail. But usually broad match keyword is a short tail keyword 


Running shoes = ads will trigger 

Buy footwear online = ads will trigger 

  • If you target the keyword “ Shoes” and if a buyer will type the keyword “ running shoes” in the search engine. But the fact is the ads will trigger the visitors. 

If someone types the keyword “buy footwear online”  in the search engine. The ads will trigger visitors. 

   2. Phrase match keyword 

  • The phrase match keyword is enclosed in “ Quotes” 
  •  The ads will not trigger unless the exact phrase is not present in the keyword 
  • But the ads will trigger if more words are added to the phrase. 
  • Narrower targeting than broad match, lesser traffic, better targeting. 

Example of phrase match keyword

  • Single-word keyword in phrase match is the same as broad match keywords. Ex- “shoes” are the same as shoes. 
  • “Blue shoes” is a phrase match keyword. Any words before comes before and after it doesn’t matter but the ads will trigger for same. 
  • It will trigger the ads for “ blue shoes for running”. Or for “ running blue shoes”. The fact is the phrase should be matched. 
  • And however, it will not trigger the ad for “running shoes”.

Read more:  How to Rank Higher on Google A complete Guide In 2020

3. Exact match keyword 

  • The exact match keyword is enclosed in the [ Bracket]
  • The ads will not trigger unless the exact keyword is present if extra words are added, then the ads will not trigger. 
  • Narrower targeting than phrase match, very less traffic, laser-targeted ads. 

Example of Exact Match Example

  • An exact match can be a single word. The keyword will trigger the ad only if the exact word is searched.  Example –
  • [Shoes]
  • [Running shoes]
  • [Blue Running shoes]

4. Broad match modified keyword 

  • Broad match but gives a little bit more targeting option 
  • The middle point between broad match and phrase  match 
  • Keyword comes with a +sign 

Example of Broad match modifier keyword

  • Broad match modifiers are just like broad match except that it triggers the ads only if a certain keyword is present. 
  • + Nike Running shoes 
  • The above keyword will trigger the ad for Nike shoes, but not for running shoes because the word Nike to be present. 
  • Nike +running shoes – here the word running is +

5. Negative keywords 

  • The ads will not trigger if their negative keywords present. 
  • A negative keyword is marked by using – sign 
  • Example -Nike
  •  Phrase match keyword: “ Running shoes”
  • Ads will trigger for Nike running shoes and 
  • Ads will not trigger for Reebok running shoes. Because the negative keyword is present in the keyword put by the buyers. 

How to create Negative keyword lists in Google Ads

  • Every Business is unique – negative keywords are different for each 
  • Remove keyword that has high CTR but low conversion – they only waste money 
  • Remove keywords that send fraudulent customers to your site 
  • Review search terms report to find out irrelevant keywords 

Lesson #4: Landing pages and Conversion Tracking 

The Marketing Funnel 

  • Click does not bring Revenue for your self, salses do 
  • Click should lead to highly targeted landing pages 
  • Keyword and ad copies should match. Ad copies and landing page should match. Gives a consistent experience for the user. 
  • Landing pages should be focused on the lead generation 

Google Ads Conversion Tracking 

  • You have to add a conversion tracking code on the page is the last page or the Thank you page that comes after the landing page, 
  • You can track the conversion from your Ads dashboard 
  • Conversion code helps in conversion tracking and to do optimization. 
  • Track cost per conversion for long-term business growth. Not CPC 

How to create High converting landing pages in Google Ads

with help of this website, you can create your own, effective landing page –

Lesson #5: Location Targeting, Device Targeting & Ad schedule 

Location Targeting in Google Ads

  • Certain cities will have higher competition. Can have a 10% – 20% higher bid. 
  • Location-based big adjustment is only available in enhanced campaigns – ( All Feature) 
  • Exclude Location help in excluding in only certain locations. 

Device Targeting in Google Ads

  • By default want to show your ads on all devices 
  • Better to segregate Mobile and desktop campaigns separately – and set bids accordingly. 
  • Workaround: set (-100%0 Bids for devices you do not want. 

Ad Scheduling in Google Ads 

  • Can show ads only at certain times and certain days of the week. 
  • Only available in Enhanced campaign – All Features. 
  • Works well for stores and offline business. Online business – off on weekends

Lesson #6: Google Ads Ad Extension

Type of ad extension in Google Ads

1. Sitelinks extension in Google Ads

2. Location extension in Google Ads

  • Using location Extension you can show the address and link to google maps below the main id . as you can see in the picture. 
  • Useful for offline stores and business fronts. 

3. Call extension in Google Ads

  • Using this extension you Add a Business phone number to the ad
  • Mobile ads show a call button to the visitor for a direct call
  • Desktop ads show the phone number below the main id.

4. App extension In Google Ads

  • Using the App extension you link to an android or IOS app from the ad 
  • Shows play store links for android users and ios links for iPhone users 

5. Reviews extension 

  • Using this extension you can add third-party reviews to your ad. ( to look more natural ) 
  • The publication is the best source 
  • The source needs to be included for verification by google 

6. Callout extension 

  • Using this you can add an extra line of description 
  • Exciting offer, greatness offer, etc.

7. Structured snippet extension 

  • Using the structured snippet extension you can showcase the variants/ highlights of the product 
  • As you can see in the picture 

8. Price extension

  • Using the price extension you will be able to showcase prices of the different products below your text ads. 
  • As you can see in the picture 

Google Ads Certification 

To get to know more about Google Ads and ad optimizing you can get certification from google.

How to get Google Ads certification 

  1. Simply click on the link Google Ads Certification 
  2. Click on the launch exam 
  3. Pass the exam and instantly you will get a certificate from google 
  4. You can share publicly on LinkedIn to get a boost in your digital marketing career. 

Thank you:)

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