
How to Rank Higher on Google A complete Guide (2021)


You did all the necessary things to your website but still not able to Rank your website on top in the google search result, don’t worry here are some tactics to do that. For Rank Higher on Google, you need a process- a strategic one, consisting of multiple tactics and techniques that can work. To rank a website on google, many elements are paying their roles like SEO, Keyword panning, link building, and many more. use suggested tactics and rank your website top in Google. let’s start 

Here are some Techniques to Rank Higher on Google

Step #1: Do Keyword Research For Site SEO

Keyword Research is identified as the practice of identifying the phrases that are mostly used by individuals for meeting their information needs based on the posting of queries on the search engines.

Keyword research played a significant role in the SEO technique it is basically used for putting the right keywords in articles or blogs. It encompasses the findings associated with the search volume and the competitiveness of the different terms. Keyword research will help to rank your website top in Google.

Read More: SEO for beginners: introduction to the SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Keyword Research is identified as a critical component associated with SEO. The correct usage of the same ideally contributes to generating a roadmap for both designing and executing the building up of websites and developing needed content.

The keywords are essentially broken down and thereby grouped in terms of the number of words that are engaged for the generation of queries. It is observed that the greater the involvement of the words in defining different query phrases the easier it becomes to rank the same for the different terms that are searched by the users.

The value of a keyword is determined based on two different parameters like the level of search volume compared to the competition level and the conversion rate generated by it. This is the most common form of text search on the web.

You need to be understood that your keyword should be relevant to the Google search visitor otherwise it wouldn’t work. The right keyword is the most important factor to rank higher on Google.

Using the right keywords can bring your website to the first page on Google.  Here are some ideas to search for the right keyword-

Keyword Research for your site

There are many paid or free tools available online like SEMRush, ahrefs, Google keyword planner, and many more for keyword research. Google keyword planner is a free keyword planner tool by Google. In Google keyword planner you can research for-

  • Relevant keyword
  • Avg. monthly search
  • Top of pay big (low range)
  • Top of page bid (High Range)

Read more The Ultimate Digital Marketing & SEO Glossary in 2020

Find good keywords for your article and choose those right keywords cleverly for your post. These keywords can generate tremendous monthly traffic. Some more tactics for choosing the right keywords-

  • Put the right meta description to your post
  • Put the target keywords into the URL

Use Google Trends as a Keyword Research Tool

Google Trends is a tool of Google where people can explore what the world is searching for. Google Trends can be utilized for trendy keywords and more keyword research. In Google trend search for your keyword and check how your keyword is performing over a period of time. 

visit – Free Keyword Research Tools by Google in 2020

Google trends give you data from 2014 to the present time. You can check more as:

  • Specific country for your keyword
  • Sub-region performing data
  • Compare to other keywords

“Ubersuggest” Keyword Research extension Tool

Ubersuggest is a free SEO tool, which runs by Neil Patel. It can give you important data like keyword volume, CPC, and, Seo Difficulties. Recently Ubersuggest explores their services and added an extension tool on google chrome for keyword research. Install the extension on google chrome then type keyword in google search now you can get the relevant data as relevant keywords, CPC and, Seo difficulties.

"Ubersuggest" Keyword Research extension Tool

And Even you can get the competitive website’s data which are already rank on high for the same keyword or niche.

Think with Google that what Exactly visitor looking for in Search Result

Enter your keyword in Google search and, find what exactly visitors looking for relevant to your keyword or niche. Add those keywords for which visitors are looking for. Add a FAQ section in your article where answer those questions that the visitor’s come for again and again.

Analysis of your competitor’s websites 

One more good idea to use the right keyword is to research your competitor’s website, analyze your competitor’s website. Analysis of their posts and inside the post and find how they used the right keyword. By doing this you can get ideas that how you can use those right keywords for your own website.

You can use their ideas and inspiration. Choose the best one from your competitor’s site and add them to your site. These small tactics will show you a big result in terms of ranking your site top in google. 

Step #2. Use Google Search Console to Optimize Site Rank

Google search console a free webmaster tool powdered by google. By Google search console you can track your site performance and also analyze your content’s reports. E.g. – Total impressions, clicks, CTR, and positions. Google search console is a powerful tool to rank your website top in Google. Here are some ideas which you can use to get higher the rank 

Replan keyword

Most people don’t change their content after post on the website. This couldn’t give you a long time to stand up on the top page ranking list on Google. Because in the online world there are too many competitors on top search results. As new posts will come with better content they will take your palace.

To stay top on Google, replan your content, and change your content frequently. For replanning your keywords, you can use the Google search console. You need to change your underperformance keywords.

For finding underperformance keywords Use the Google search console. Find those keywords which are not getting enough clicks and impressions, and change them with another new top-rated content. It will give you a long time standup on top search results.

Read More: How to use Google Search Console to Optimize site rank

Repair broken links and fix the sitemaps errors

Google SEO is not giving a good response to those sites which have broken links & site errors. Broken links negatively impact your ranking. For fixing broken links and the sitemaps errors Google Search Console generates reports for the website, in this report broken links and sitemap errors can be fixed.

To fix those issues click on the “Sitemaps” tab. And now you can find those links which are not yet indexed and duplicate links you can request for the link crawled. For the broken links, you can click on the “Not Found 404” tab on this tab you can find no broken links and fix them.

Step #3: Improve Your Site Page Loading Speed

As per Google reports that improving your page loading speed can help to rank your site. Page loading speed is an important factor for a website.

 Improve your page loading speed
For the test, your site performance & site loading speed goes to Google page insight. Pagespeed insight models low-end devices and network conditions to estimate site performance. For improving your web page loading speed, there are many instructions, and recommendation try to follow them By following all instructions your site get dramatically speed.
 Here are some more basic ways to improve your web page speed-
  • Avoid heavy images
  • Use Fewer Media
  • Avoid heavy animations & themes 

Step #4: Off-page SEO Techniques 

Actions that are done outside of your site for improving your site ranking on SERP, called “off-page SEO”. Off-Page Optimization is one of the most effective SEO-based strategies that can be undertaken by a website for achieving higher page rankings on the search engine.

Off-Page SEO Components tend to encompass effective backlinks, social bookmarking, and other signals for social sharing platforms Activities concerning Off-Page Optimization are essentially undertaken with a focus on increasing the marketing of your website.

The popularity factor concerning the website is essentially determined in terms of the number of links and other websites that are linked to the stated website or with the URL of the site. Again, Off-Page Optimization is also concerned with the different activities carried out over the internet for enhancing the SERP (Search Engine Result Placements) concerning the site.

In that, the Development of quality links for the website ideally contributes to enhancing the page rankings for the same on the search engine pages.

Adding quality links to different websites indicate the inclusion of links of those websites that tend to bear higher Digital Marketing. the maximum number of backlinks will help you to get rank top on google. The higher number of backlinks the higher you will get on the search engine. 

Build Quality Backlinks

Build Quality Backlinks

Creating quality backlinks is a good idea. As much as backlinks you have, as much you will get traffic to your site and the higher ranking. You can get tremendous traffic by creating backlinks. For doing this create lists of your competitors related to your post and request them by e-mail or by personal contact for adding your post link to their website. Please note that your competitors have-

  • Higher domain authority
  • Related to your post
  • Enough traffic on their website

If they agree to do that then it will be good for you if they don’t do that then you can offer them to add their website post link to your own website. You can also offer some money because if you really want to rank your website higher, you have to spend some money from your pocket. Try to create backlinks as much as you can. the maximum number of backlinks will help you to achieve a higher rank on Google.

Use Social media to  Rank your site top in Google

Social Media is a powerful off-page SEO tool that is the most effective way to improve your site rank. Social media is very effective to rank your website top in Google even I use the same tactic for my website. 

A.     Quora                                                                                    

Quora is a question-and-answer platform. It is one of the best platforms to get more traffic on your website. Posting consistently posts related to your website on quora can push your website to rank your website higher or give you millions of new visitors.

B.      Pinterest             

Pinterest is a visual social media platform where you can post images, videos, and GIFs. It is the best marketing tool for ranking websites & redirecting the visitor to your website just by clicking on pins. Here I attached my performance matrix of Pinterest-

C.      Flipboard

Flipboard used for reading news, articles & online updates. It is the best way to generate more traffic online. By posting constantly powerful content, your site will be slowly getting rank on google search results.

Step #5: Improve Your Site Architecture

In the first case, it is highly needed for having a secure and accessible web platform that can be virtually reached by Google bots. Herein, Google focuses on visiting the websites to understand the type of content present on the site.

On the other hand, the website needs specific tools like a robots.txt file that would help Google understand where to access information from and where it cannot access it. It also needs a site map that acts as an effective navigation tool that helps Google to effectively access a list of different web pages. Using this tactic and process you will be able to Rank Higher on Google. 

Thank You :) 

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