
How to Get Instant Google AdSense Approval

Welcome to another article related to make money online. today I am writing this article not to make money purpose but to guide beginners, who want to be entered the blogging industry. This article is especially for those who do not know how to apply your website on Google AdSense and when to apply it. And what is required for your website to get instant Google AdSense approval?

Trust me there are a lot of people who want to start their career in the blogging industry. and want to make money online from their website. making money with a website is all about putting ads on your website through an ads network. and this is the first step to get start your earnings from your website. but a lot of people were failed to get approval on their website. and trust me there is a lot.

I got many queries on social media that why we unable to get AdSense approval on our website. if you are in those, no worry and you only have to follow the steps that I’ve outlined here, following these steps you may get AdSense approval instant and without any issues.

AdSense is incredibly difficult to get into nowadays. Only 4% of applications are approved. To be in that 4% requires something exceptional.

7 Tips to get Instant Approval from Google AdSense

These are some policy terms which is unofficial but completely based on the experience. And trust me, by following them you can get instant approval from Google AdSense.

01. Your Website must have a Top-level Domain (TLD)

What is a Top-level Domain (TLD)?

TLD is the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet.

keeps in mind that your website has a top-level domain (TLD) to get instant approval on it. Many platforms offer cheaper domains compared to the top-level domain. But Google AdSense gives priority to get approved a top-level domain.  Here are some top-level domain outlined below-

.COM, .Edu, .info, .org, .in etc.

If your website on blogger then we are recommended you buy a domain and hosting and move the site from there. Blogger has much policy and it takes a lot of time to get approved your website from AdSense.

02. Your domain should be at least 6 months old

Many bloggers apply for Google AdSense to get their approval soon after creating their website.

I recommend you for getting instant approval on your website, your domain should be at least 6 months old, or give time to your website for getting 6 months old. And in that period, you have to keep manage your website and keep posting regular content on your site.

A newly created domain and Article take time to get indexing on Google. And Google demands a 6-month-old domain to track your website’s overall performance, Google checks how your site is performing on Google in the last 6 months.

and after completely reviewing your website Google may give instant AdSense approval. use Google search console to Optimize your site rank and track your website performance.  if your Article were not indexing on Google then you can request for article index through the Google search console.

03. Your website must have a minimum of 25 unique articles.

This is very important because some Indian bloggers get AdSense approval even while when their website contains only 10 to 15 articles. Are these your thoughts also? if yes, then I must tell you that, they are professional bloggers and they running their primary website last form many years. And every professional blogger has a backup website.

For a new blogger, it becomes very tough to get AdSense approval to have a lack of knowledge of SEO and website ranking factors. This is the average figure from the experience. Having a bunch of articles on your website is a very good sign to get instant AdSense approval. and don’t stop here post it regularly.

04. Your content should be 100% plagiarism-free

Google has a very strict content policy. If Google finds any copyright issue with your content then Google AdSense may disable your AdSense account permanently. So your content should be unique. post only quality content on your site.

Avoid using spin (changing words back and forth) Content on your site. Spinning is Copying content from someone else’s website and then spinning it and posting it on your website. Google has set its algorithm and goggles bots/spiders and they can catch the spin content from your site,  much faster than you think. so don’t be over smart.

in the beginning, try to work on low- competition keywords and do some keyword research before writing the article. There many free keyword research tools using them you can track your keyword performance on Google and find which keyword is trending on google.

There are many plagiarism checker tools to check your copyright content. keep in mind before posting your content on your site check it from plagiarism tools.

05. Post only quality content on your site

There is a very famous quote “content is king” which is used very often used in conjunction with content marketing and SEO. only quality content can help you to get a higher rank on Google . as I had mentioned getting started your career in the blogging industry then try to work on low competition keyword or keyword which has low CPC.

writing quality content needs some keyword research and knowledge about SEO or you can hire a digital content writer.

Google gives priority to those who have a good quality of content and performing well on Google.

Read more;- Complete Guide to Make Money from Google AdSense

06. Your website should contain a privacy- policy page

Basically, a privacy policy page is, lets your user know about what type of data this site is collecting from you and for which purpose this data is collecting. And most importantly, where the data is going to store after collecting it from you? These are some terms which your visitors have to know and he has the right to know. The privacy policy page can help you to generate trust between your services and user. Does even Google review the privacy policy page in case your site has been reported by someone? in fraud cases/ scam skim this is really helpful to have a privacy policy page.

Please keep in mind your site must contain a privacy policy page.

07. Learn a little about SEO and keyword research

SEO plays an important role to get AdSense approval on your site or blog. You can learn online about digital marketing what kind of basic terms is used in digital marketing. And how you can use these terms to get benefits from it? SEO helps you to get ranking higher on Google and keyword research gives you the idea that what to work next?

use Google search console to track your website performance and find which keyword is performing well on Google.

You have to learn a little bit about SEO, content marketing, and most important keyword research. using this combination you may able to maintain your site properly. As I had mentioned work on low CPC keyword or keyword which has low SEO difficulty.

if you follow these 7 steps, your site will be approved by Google AdSense easily.

But getting approval from AdSense is not should be enough. for  Making Money Online from your website you have to keep maintain your website and keep posting content regularly.

Thank You:)

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