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What is DuckDuckGo? Google Vs DuckDuckGo Search Engine

Branding itself as the search engine that doesn’t store your personal info and follow you around with ads or track you DuckDuckGo has managed to undercut its rivals, not on price but privacy.

What if I say that DuckDuckGo is an excellent search engine compared to Google. Would you believe it? DuckDuckGo Today has an estimated 65 million monthly users on the Internet. And it is attracting millions of Internet users around the world. If we talk about earlier days, DuckDuckGo was not a famous search engine. But ever since it was launched, it has been attracting the attention of most internet users. And if you worry about your privacy, DuckDuckGo Would be the first choice.

What is DuckDuckGo?

DuckDuckGo was solo-founded by Gabriel Weinberg in February 2008 in Valley Forge, PA (USA). It is on a mission to provide the Internet with a better search engine experience. The idea was to compete with Google in areas where it was most criticized, meaning that DuckDuckGo does not store or share any information of its users as a result of privacy concerns. DuckDuckGo is a more secure and private search engine now which is more than 65 million monthly users.

DuckDuckGo Traffic:65 million monthly users-

2020 Search Market Share: DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo describes himself in the Manner of Privacy-

“You deserve privacy. Companies are making money off of your private information online without your consent”.
At DuckDuckGo, we don’t think the Internet should feel so creepy, and getting the privacy you deserve online should be as simple as closing the blinds. The DuckDuckGo is “the search engine that doesn’t track you” even not your IP addresses. DuckDuckGo does not collect or share any personal information. That is our privacy policy in a nutshell.

A Brief Intro to DuckDuckGo: How it takes place as a Search Engine 

The project first came to major public attention in January 2011 when Weinberg hired a billboard in the tech capital of San Francisco comparing his own privacy policy to that of its surveillance heavy rival Google. The billboard cost was Around Seven thousand Dollars for only four weeks of promotion but the PR value was priceless.

PR Value” – Which assumes that a third party endorsement by the journalist and the publication has more authority than an advertisement (1).

Billboard in San Francisco Proclaims “Google Tracks You. We Don’t.”

This publicity stunt caught the eye of union square ventures who also believed in the need for a more privacy-focused search engine and invested three million dollars in DuckDuckGo union square ventures co-founder Fred Wilson stated that-

“We didn’t invest in a search engine because we thought it would beat Google but we invested in it because there is a need for a private search engine” and “we Believed that it would appeal to the internet anarchists the people that hang out on sites like Reddit and Hacker news”.

DuckDuckGo gets an average of one million searches per day, and its popularity exploded in June 2013 when Edward Snowden revealed the true extent of the united states government’s national surveillance program software updates in 2014 meant that DuckDuckGo was now included as built-in search options on both Safari and Mozilla Firefox.

in 2020 Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey revealed that DuckDuckGo had become his web browser of choice as the websites also reached the milestone of 2 billion searches per month.
Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey

why are millions of people turning their backs on Google in favor of its private rival?

First and foremost DuckDuckGo provides its users with peace of mind that their online activity is not allowed by search engines to generate an accurate profile of whatever search they are conducting.

Understandably, most people wouldn’t want to share their personal financial and medical secrets with a stranger, so why would they want to share them with Google?

Read more:- WhatsApp New Updates Privacy Policy: What it is?

DuckDuckGo VS Google: The Better Search Engine?

Research has found that the majority of web searches are usually for fairly mundane questions like capital cities the age of your favorite celebrity or just online shopping and a digital profile based on your entire search history isn’t all that necessary to find those answers?

what’re more all searches conducted by Google are desperate to keep you within the company’s own ecosystem using their own products and services-

For example, if you are searching for movies on Google, the first result will appear on the Google play store to watch movies for rent online, or it may suggest a YouTube result owned by it.

In contrast, DuckDuckGo would be more likely to offer a better-balanced search result such as an IMDb movie rating page or Wikipedia article, or a movie cast profile.

Why Should I Use DuckDuckGo Instead of Google?

A unique feature introduced by DuckDuckGo is that its command users can bypass their search of DuckDuckGo to type their search directly into the Bang shortcut, with results from your search term directly from the website Will present. Targeting whether the shopping site is social media or a reference website. There are currently more than 10 000 bangs available to make your search as seamless as possible.

Another important factor is that users are becoming wary of the big tech company’s struggle on the Internet and therefore do not want to add to Google’s search engine monopoly. DuckDuckGo is a suitable alternative for the Search Engine to leave the Monopoly of Google.

No doubt, duck DuckDuckGo’s privacy stance means their searches usually present a cleaner no-frills interface although the website does contain ads and this can be related to search terms that you have entered but not based on your personal info.

There might be a few drawbacks to completely cutting Google out of your life such as-

Google search results are smarter than DuckDuckGo. and Google has it 91% market share in the most used search engine.

2020 Search Market Share: Google

Google is the most accurate search engine with the greatest range of indexes more servers and the most cutting-edge algorithms. Google’s AI technology also makes insightful suggestions when you misspell a search term and has an excellent record of showing you what you’re looking for even when you’ve entered the wrong phrase

I can say DuckDuckGo can be the best alternative to Google in the manner of privacy. And these days where privacy becomes a bigger and bigger issue that could be a good alternative to Google. These days privacy is something that you cannot afford to leak.

“The world’s most valuable Resource: Not oil, but data”

Advantages of DuckDuckGo Search Engine:

  • More secure in terms of the privacy
  • The organic & informative result will appear
  • No ads targeting you based on your searches.
  • No social engineering techniques are used based on your searches and other interests.
  • You can be sure you are getting the same search results as all other users.
  • no sponsored content and product will be displayed to you
  • all third party permissions get blocked automatically

How to Set DuckDuckGo as your default Search Engine

Step#1 Right-click in the search bar

Step#2 Select Edit Search Engines… in the dropdown

Step#3 Find DuckDuckGo and click Make default

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What Google and Facebook Do With Your Data:

We all probably know that the business model of Google and Facebook is to save every piece of personal data you give so that they can target you with ads, but you may not know that Google and Facebook have almost every website There are trackers installed. So they are trying to track and save everything you do even when not on Google or Facebook. Google kept its DoubleClick browsing data separate from personal information it collected from services like Gmail. Today, Google and Facebook can target ads based on your name

Facebook Off-Page Activity: 

What Facebook does with your off-Facebook activity- Facebook uses your off-Facebook activity and your activity on Facebook too. to show you more relevant ads. You can customize your ad experience using Ad Preferences. to Suggest groups, events, or Marketplace items you might be interested in. and to track your online presence on other websites.

Because Google owns YouTube, they know every YouTube video you watch, if you use Android, it’s also owned by Google, Google Maps. Facebook-owned Instagram, WhatsApp. They send a small portion of the data you collect to all of you to sell the dreaded advertisements you have.

What Data WhatsApp Collect from You:


The DuckDuckGo Internet privacy company has created a product that blocks Google and Facebook trackers and does not offer you Google search a scary option that lets you control your personal information, even if the Internet doesn’t matter to you. DuckDuckGo Privacy is the best fast and easy step for your privacy.

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