
Ultimate Digital Marketing & SEO Glossary

Digital Marketing

Welcome to another article related to digital marketing. In this article, I am going to write complete digital marketing and SEO terminology in simple language.

What is CPC (cost per click )?

CPC stands for cost per click. It refers to the actual price of which is paid by each click in your Pay Per Click campaign. The cost per click is always different for the specific keyword. And each country has different CPC costs for getting a click on the keyword. It is the terms in paid advertising which is the cost of showing ads on the search engine. CPC is used for getting more traffic from the other country or to sell your services in a different country.

What is PPC ( pay per click )?

PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. It is a term used for the paid advertising campaign model. The advertiser pays a fixed amount to the users for getting each click by users. But the amount is only charged when visitors or users will click on your advertisement link. That’s why it’s called pay per click.

PPC advertising is a way to buy more traffic from the search engine. If you want to start your PPC campaign you can use Google’s owns tools. Google Adwords is the best tool for the PPC campaign. Even today’s social media has its tools to start PPC coming.

Here are some social media tools which are best for the PPC campaign.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

What is CTR (click-through rate)?

CTR stands for click-through rate. As defined by names CTR  is a metric to measure the number of clicks, An advertiser is receiving on their ads per the impression.

In simple terms, The CTR rate is a ratio of the total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions ads are getting.

CTR metric plays an important role in internet marketing. It showcases if your CTR rate is low that means you are targeting the wrong audience.

If your keyword is targeting the right people and you placed the ad campaign to the relevant content then your CTR rate will be high.

What is the impression?

In digital marketing, The impression terms are used to determine the number of digital advertisement views on the visitor’s screen.

Impression number indicates the total number of views you receive in your digital advertisement.

Let’s take an example for easy understanding “Each time someone comes to the search engine and related keywords and your digital ads will appear. When the ads are seen by visitors” you will get 1 impression.

An impression is how many times your ads have been viewed by visitors.

What is Web traffic

In digital marketing traffic, Words indicate the number of visitors you have on your website. Traffic is the number of visitors you have. Traffic means the number of visitors you have on your blog website, organization website, education website, company website, and social media URL link.

If you are a beginner in the blogging industry then you will get less traffic and if you work hard on your blog you will get a high volume of traffic on your site.

What is an ad campaign?

An ad campaign is a form of sponsored post or product. An ad campaign can be in the form of online and offline ads. Advertiser does an ad campaign to archive a specific goal. An advertising campaign has a direct message to the customer. You can target a specific market to reach your goal through the Ad campaign. use Google AdWord to Run an ad campaign. 

let’s take an example to understand ” service provider or businessmen start a campaign online to reach their target audience”.

What is a blog and what bloggers do?

Blog word indicates a place where are much information is available. Blogger is a platform where you can create your blog just free.

Some many experts and professionals like to share their experiences and thoughts via the internet. And people love to read their experiences and thoughts.

The blog is just a  website on Google that provides the latest information by expert writers.

What is SEO and how SEO works

SEO stands for search engine optimizing.  SEO is nothing but just a process to use for getting organic traffic for your site. Well SEO optimized sites make it easy for Google to understand your site for what the content is about.  SEO contains some tactics in itself, using them you can get rank higher on Google. Meta description and meta tags are part of SEO and it helps to search engines to understand your content.

What is White hat SEO

White hat SEO is a technique and strategy to use for getting organic for your site? It includes meta description meta tag link building, etc.

White hat SEO are two types

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO

What is Black hat SEO

Black hat SEO is used for getting more traffic in a limited period black hat SEO technique is against the rule of search engine terms. And used technique in black hat SEO is disapproved by Google and other search engines.

What is on-page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your site performance to rank higher in search engines. A professional blogger uses this technique to get organic traffic. A technique that is used on the website for optimizing site rank is called on-page SEO.

What is off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is a technique that can help you increase your site’s ranking. But off-page SEO technique is used away from your site.

Backlink and social media marketing is part of off-page SEO.

What are analytics tools & what it does?

There are many analytics tools are available to use for free. But the best one is Google Analytics. Google analytics tools allow you to see how many visors are your site getting in a week. You can track your visitors how they come up to your site and what they had look at on your site. Google Analytics allows you to see how many visitors you got in a day, week, and month. If you have your owns site then you should use it.

What is Backlink?

The backlink is the type of link where two websites are connected. A backlink is just like a referral link. Backlink redirects visitors to another page.

Backlink plays an important role to rank higher on Google. A maximum number of backlinks indicate the higher number of domain authority of your site. And a higher number of backlinks is a signal to the search engine that your content has a good quality. use the console and check how many Backiling your site has. 

What are the page views?

Pageviews indicate that how many visitors have seen your site.

You can track your page views using the Google Analytics tool. use google analytics for your website to get an exact number of page views for your site. 

What is Site Speed?

Site speed is the time that takes your website to display in the browser it’s indicated by numbers. The website should take less time to display a complete website in the user’s browsers to rank higher in Google.

You can track your website speed on Google page speed insights.

What is SEM (Search Engine Marketing)?

Search engine marketing is the process or strategy to get paid traffic to your website. SEM technique used to forget social traffic to your site. The search engine marketing (SEM) technique is just like  PPC and sponsored ads.

Read more:- A Complete Mastery in Google AdWords [2020]

What is a Search Engine?

The search engine helps people to find the latest news information and services worldwide. The search engine contains a use number of databases, web pages, text, images, videos.

Google is the most used search engine on the internet today.

read what is the factor that affects your Site Ranking. 

Example of search engine

  1. Google
  2. Yahoo
  3. Bing
  4. Baidu

What is the Average position?

Average position the terms used in digital marketing to indicate the numbers of the position of your website on the search engine. It helps the blogger track keyword ranking and site performance.

Use Google Search Console to Optimize your site Rank

What is Keyword research?

To get an idea about the keyword difficulty and the monthly search traffic on the search engine. This is about knowing the exact term of what people are looking at the search engine.

You can track the keyword that is trending on the search engine. Use some of Google’s best keyword research tools. use google keyword planner it’s one of the best tools for keyword research. 

What is Organic search?

As the name is defining, organic search Is genuinely listed by Google which is appearing according to the terms.

The organic search list does not contain any display advertising or sponsored content. The organic search number is genuine traffic you are getting from the search engine without paying for advertisement.

What is Paid search?

Paid search is a model of PPC advertising. It is a type of display advertising for getting more traffic to your site. It generally appears on the top and right sides of the search engine. use Google AdWord to get paid search for your website. 

What is Sitemap?

The sitemap is a blueprint of your website which helps search engines to crawl and index the content of your website. A sitemap is from XML and where all the information is provided by you and it helps the search to understand the site structure and the important or feature content of your site.

A sitemap is very important for an SEO-friendly blog.

What is a Title tag?

The title tag is your content article heading which helps to search engines to find your content. The title tag is very important for making your website SEO-friendly. you can see in the picture mentioned below

What is a Meta description?

A meta tag description is mentioned below the title tag. And meta description is a summary of your article and what’s the information your page contains. The meta description should be 140 to 150 words. as you can see in the above picture.

Meta description helps most to rank higher in Google. 

What is Link building?

Link building is a strategy to link two websites together. It’s a technique to refer your content to another site. And link building plays a very important to rank higher on the search engine. The search engine keeps the result on top which has a maximum number of links.

Read more: track all links by using the google search console. 

What is a DA (domain authority) score?

Domain authority is a search engine ranking that is developed by the MOZ. A good DA score indicates how well your website is performing on the search engine.

A high domain authority score is an indication that your site will perform in the top search engine result page (SERP)

What is a Spam score?

The spam score is an indication of your site that how many times has Google punished or banned your site. And the reason for the high spam score is to have many backlinks in another site which has been punished by Google.

If your backlink partner using the black hat SEO technique and using the third-party application to get high traffic then your site also gets noticed by Google.

What is Crawling in a search engine?

Crawling is the process by a search engine in which search the engine sends their boats or spiders to find the content update on the website.

Google has set its crawlers system to find the latest content update and then appears the content (HTML text, image, videos) on the search result.

What is Search engine trending?

Google search trending is the process that is appeared by the search engine what most people are looking for online. Most bloggers use this technique for keyword research. Use Google Trend to find out which keyword is trending on Google.

What is Social media marketing (SMM)?

Social media marketing is a strategy to market products and services using social media platforms and social networks. And it is the best way to get in touch with your users. Also, another reason to use social media is the best way to get more visitors to your website. use social media to earn money online without spending a single amount. 

What is the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)?

SERP is the first page of the search engine. When visitors type a keyword into the search bar in the search engine. Then the results will show on the first page this is called the search engine result page (SERP). As shown in the picture.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular open-source content management system (CMS).  75 million websites are using WordPress according to WordPress. WordPress is free to download, upgrade. WordPress has millions of free templates and plugins to use.

What is Bounce Rate?

It occurs when the user opens a specific page on the site and then exists without clicking on any other requests during that session. Bounce rate measured in percentage. A high bounce rate is a signal to search engines that your content is irrelevant. And 40 to 50 bounce rate is an average.

Read more: Complete Guide to Make Money with YouTube in 2020

Thank you:)


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