
What is the Main Difference Between SEO and SEM

What is the meaning of Seo and Sem? SEO stands for search engine optimizing.  It is free from the fact that business institutions do not need to pay Google to generate clicks and there is also a considerable amount of web traffic.

Businesses especially make the profit of free space with search results in terms of generating relevant content for specific keyword searches.

SEM stands for search engine marketing. It is a search marketing-based activity, in which users focus on paying Google to highlight ads, along with the results of keyword searches.

Difference between SEO and SEM

Search Engine Optimizing  (SEO)

  • SEO is recognized as a powerful medium involved in conducting web traffic along the crest of the marketing funnel
  • On-page SEO components include various types of keywords associated with the title tag, top tag, alt. Text, and so on. It also includes the integration of blog posts, social sharing links, and optimization of web page loading speed. Likewise, off-page SEO components include effective backlinks, social bookmarking, and other clues for social sharing platforms.
  • SEO can bring your platform on top of the search engine without paying so that you easily sell your services.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  • SEM serves as a potential Cost-effective medium that contributes to driving conversion along the bottom of the funnel.
  • SEM components prefer different elements such as paid search, pay-per-click or PPC campaigns, and various advertisements (Mike Moran and Bill Hunt)

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