
Ultimate Guide to Grow your Business with Email Marketing

Ultimate Guide to Grow your Busi with Email Marketing

I know many of you may be thinking, now email marketing is dead because it’s the old-fashioned thing, that is kind of correct, also because email marketing is the oldest way of promotion. But now we have new ways of promoting our content. Which includes paid ads on different platforms.

Paid ads work really well and fast too, but you must understand that this, paid ads are expensive. It doesn’t matter which ad platform you use they charge you money according to reach.

That’s the reason paid ads are expensive. If you run a small business and want to grow your business, paid ads will not work that well. Not because they are not effective, but because they are going to cost you. Also, it’s hard to invest in small businesses during the beginning. Because you are not sure it will work or not.

So in that matter, email marketing is the best option to grow your business because Email marketing works really well, for both small as well as for big business. Plus it’s not that expensive.

Even big companies like Linkedin, Google, Quora, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc use email marketing as a growing tool. 


Have you noticed how many emails you get daily on your Gmail or any other email service that you use for personal emails? I am sure you have not.

According to our data research, you get 100+ emails daily.

These emails are categorized into three categories. 

  1. Primary emails (These are your personal emails).
  2. Social (Means promotional emails you get from social media websites).
  3. Promotional emails. (Emails you get from different companies, like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc.)

The last two categories prove, why big companies take email marketing so seriously. It’s because Email marketing works really well. Just for a while, try to look at your Gmail account you’ll get the idea of how email marketing works. Also, look image below. Just to show you I have used the screenshot of my account.

Grow your Business with Email Marketing

You can clearly see how serious these companies are about email marketing. 

So, now if anyone suggests to you that email marketing doesn’t work in 2021. 

Just tell them to look at their Gmail inbox properly.  I think now you understand that there are high chances of growing business through email marketing. Let’s discuss how. Before that: Let’s talk about what is email marketing?  

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 What is Email Marketing? 

In simple words, Email marketing is the way through which you connect your business to your customers by email. It allows you to send a commercial email to your email subscriber- who has signed up for your email list. 

Also, Email marketing allows you to spread awareness about your brand among your customers. Plus it helps you to keep them updated regarding your latest products, discount and other services. Not only that, but it can also be the best way to educate your audience about your brand and how your brand works, it keep them engage in your brand and latest products.

How does Email Marketing Work? 

Email marketing is used to drive sales, and build a community around your brand to increase the leverage of your brand. Modern email marketing has changed a lot over time. It is no more limited to simple emailing or mass emails, and instead, it focuses on consent and personalization.

Types of Email Marketing

There are two main forms of Email Marketing. Which is 

  1. Inbound email marketing.
  2. Outbound email marketing.

Inbound Email Marketing

Inbound email marketing is about attracting people to your blog or website through the content that you have created.

As you know that people are searching for answers on the Internet and you have that answer, now you can ask them to fill up the email list form that you have on your blog or website. So that you can send updates of your future products directly to them via email.

Inbound email marketing works well because now you know what your customer interests are. So in the future, you can send emails of products or services in which they are interested. This will increase the chances of involvement.

Major players in inbound email marketing are; Mailchimp, Sendinblue.

Outbound Email Marketing

Outbound email marketing goes out to targeted contacts that you purchase from a third-party data source. A lot of people hear this and get nervous, but it’s quite different from spamming. While spam emails are intended to attack a random person. Outbound marketing emails go out to a list of B2B contacts. As long as you’ve acquired your list of contacts from a reliable source, it’s fine.

They allow you to select from the list of industries of your choice that lines up with your buyer details and campaign goals. Making sure your list is clean and clear of any spam traps, bad data, and old emails. Also, use a spam checker to make sure that your email has high deliverability before you send any.

The major player of outbound email marketing is Clickback MAIL (100% Can SPAM compliant)

As if now you understand what is email marketing and its types let’s move further.

How to Grow your Business With Email Marketing?

When we advise people to use email marketing, they just come up with this question?

Is Email marketing still work in 2021? 

I know a lot of things have changed with time, but still, email marketing is not dead. As I have mentioned above, how still big companies rely on emails to lead their businesses.

It’s obvious Email marketing is not very new. In fact, it’s the very first means of digital communication that arrived in late 1971. But know this; Email marketing- is around 50+ years old, is more widely used, even today. Only because email users have increased over time.

Look at this Stats of Email Marketing:

  • In 2019 there were 3.9 billion global email users (source Statista). Guess about now, when everything is going online.
  • 90% of Americans check their emails once a day. (Quarter of them check multiple times a day, Fluent inbox report).
  • Almost all people of age above 18 have emails which are around 5 billion emails.

So think carefully. Not having an email marketing strategy means lacking in the growth of your brand. 

Now, let’s talk about how Email marketing works with ESPs? 

Basically, ESPs stands for (Email service providers). These are the companies that provide email services. In that, they provide software that sends and manages email marketing campaigns. 

This software is also referred to as an email marketing tool or email marketing software. 

Now, you may be thinking, can’t I send marketing emails with my regular email or Gmail account? Do I really need these email service providers?

Technically, it’s possible. But the entire point is, it’s not that easy. Because most of us have Gmail free accounts so it has limited features. Like limited email bandwidth.

ISPS (Internet service providers) Like Gmail, yahoo, outlook, and others, designed for personal use, not for email blasts. So when you try to send mass emails it is called spamming. And your account can be disabled for suspicious activity.

ESPs on the other hand have the necessary infrastructure to ensure your emails being delivered to your clients. If you want your business to succeed then you should opt for an Email service provider.

You can choose any of them;

  1. Zoho.
  2. Sendinblue.
  3. Mailchimp
  4. Drip.
  5. Constant contact.
  6. Drip.
  7. Aweber.
  8. Convertkit.
  9. Mailerlite.

Let’s talk about ways to grow your business with email marketing. 

6 Ways to Grow your Business with Email Marketing

Promote your brand through EMs

This one is quite simple; you need to keep nudging the customers of your new products, tools, and services.

There is nothing better than sending an email campaign for new products and services. Also, don’t forget to list the benefits of your product, tool, and services in your email. If your customers get an update on what’s new for them they will 100% convert.

To convert your customers into buyers you can also add discount coupons to your emails. As done by many companies like Grammarly and all. For example, we have a new product with 20% off. Remember this, do not try to add too many coupons in a single email.

Educate your Customers through Emails

Basically, this is the most common problem, half of the time your customers do not have proper knowledge of your products and how they can use your product.

For that, you need to add a link to your blog or place where you have described your product and why your products are best for your customers.

Also, try to get queries from your customers. Because questions from customers allow you to know their problems and the nature of your customers. Later you can use these questions and reviews to enhance your product and services. Also, it will improve your customer experience as well as your brand leverage.

Build your Customer loyalty

If you wish to establish a long terms relationship with your customers, email is the best way to do it. How?

Here are some examples which you can send to your customers.

  1. Greeting cards; Highlight the birthday of your client with a discount coupon.
  2. Send an automated mail; Mentioning gestures, we miss you, and we are glad you’re with us.

This kind of emotional email really works, because these make people feel connected to someone genuine.

Organize a Contest

You are familiar with this one, almost every influencer uses this method to grow their youtube channel or Instagram account.

They launch contests to increase engagement also offer free things to winners. You should try this too because it works. Organizing contests and offering free tools and services work really well through emails, it attracts new customers.

Ask for Reviews and Testimonials

As you know that these days reviews matter a lot. Because people want to hear what others say about your products and services.

This concept applies to every business. So try to ask your customer to review your services and tools. Because there are high chances of conversions when your product has a good amount of reviews. You can relate this to Amazon and Flipkart. How you decide to purchase something from these websites. Simply by reading a product review.

Send a case study

The case study is the best way to tell your customers how you deal with problems and issues faced by your customers regarding your product and services.

Also, they allow you to guide your customer on how you overcome past problems. Customers love stats and they like when their problems get solved in no time. So, try it before it’s too late.


A lot of companies are using email marketing to grow their business. You should that too.

If you’re using it then it’s well and good. Try to take it more seriously. If you’re not using email marketing yet then you should start now because it works.

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